

Welcome to BVI Bungalow, Tortola, BVI, a lovely 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom villa perched on a hillside in the West End of Tortola above Little Apple Bay and Long Bay. Location, location, location!

-Sleeps 6-8, King Master, Queen Guest, plus Queen Garden with ensuite and Bahama Room Twins on lower level

-Air-conditioned and remote controlled ceiling fan equipped bedrooms

-Enjoy the glorious ocean views across Little Apple Bay village, the surf breaking on Capoons Bay, a surfers playground, and in the distance the market village of Carrot Bay

-BVI’s National Park Sage Mountain and moonrise view to the northeast

-Saltwater plunge pool with spacious 8 +person hot tub, outdoor shower

-Outdoor dining and lounging areas with teak furniture and poolside chaise lounges

-Indoor/outdoor living with refreashing sea breezes, warm sunshine and cool shade, all surrounded by vibrant landscaped Caribbean gardens

-Washer and dryer

-All new kitchen including fridge with ice maker and water filter, dishwasher, stove, oven and microwave

-Multiple car parking spaces available

-Walking distance to 2 sandy, year- round swimmable beaches, Long Bay Beach and Apple Bay beach. A few minutes by car to spectacular Smugglers Cove beach where there are also 2 beach bars to eat and drink. Beach chairs, umbrellas, coolers  and towels all available at the villa.

-Walking distance to 4 fantastic restaurants all with a different local flavour. Long Bay’s Tropical Fusion Beach Bar and Grill, Sebastian’s Seaside Grille and Beach Bar, the beachside restaurant Tramoni at the Sugar Mill and the Sugar Mill Restaurant for fine dining. Only minutes by car to Carrot Bay’s D’coal Pot BVI Restaurant Bar and Grill, Bananakeet Cafe for sunset, Omar’s Fusion or nautical themed Pusser’s Landing both located in  iconic Caribbean anchorage and marina Soper’s Hole. 

BVI Bungalow is the perfect location for family gatherings (not recommended for very small children), sailing vacationers and sailing crews needing land based accomodation, small group holidays, and business travellers. Due to it’s West End location access to Road Town, the West End and all destinations around the Island is easy.



Nullam in congue justo, vitae congue lacus. Etiam faucibus arcu ac laoreet vehicula. Cras consectetur eleifend varius.

Etiam tempor euismod ante, in laoreet nunc gravida quis. Sed massa sapien, scelerisque ut molestie non, pretium lacinia orci.

Work process

Praesent ligula enim, fermentum ut leo et, tincidunt facilisis neque. Quisque congue posuere dignissim. Cras venenatis maximus nulla, in facilisis nunc pharetra vitae. Phasellus malesuada tincidunt elementum. Vivamus non lobortis ante, vitae semper lacus.

Duis ut cursus sapien. Suspendisse facilisis dolor a libero sollicitudin sollicitudin. Donec gravida condimentum tempus. Fusce laoreet dignissim nisl eu maximus. Mauris ullamcorper, tortor vel congue laoreet, purus urna feugiat ligula, vitae vulputate lorem quam sed elit.


Morbi ornare id metus id convallis. Donec sed quam eget enim pretium congue. In neque augue, varius sed feugiat consequat, sodales in nibh.

Etiam vulputate eget odio a faucibus. Morbi scelerisque tellus interdum metus vulputate, in feugiat nibh suscipit.

Nullam a porttitor felis, sit amet vulputate enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris urna nibh, congue sit amet dui eu, aliquam malesuada dolor.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam interdum massa sed ante ornare, quis fringilla diam hendrerit.

Sed porttitor aliquet leo at sollicitudin. Phasellus quis pulvinar nisi. Morbi vel ante quis risus sodales tristique. Nulla et tempor magna. Vestibulum sit amet tincidunt arcu.